Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Things acceptable in the Peace Corps; that maybe aren’t acceptable elsewhere?

- Eating food off the floor
- Stealing strangers leftover’s that they didn’t eat
- Sharing a paper napkin with 3 or more friends
- Eating off of tuberware lids and sharing forks at a dinner party b/c there aren’t enough
- Eventually learning to just keep silverware in your purse at all times
- Bringing tuberware to events with free food and taking enough to eat for two days.
- Buying 2 gallons of soft serve ice-cream and putting it into a tuberware container
- Paying children to get you things when you’re too lazy to leave your house.
- Only showering when you can see a layer of dirt over your skin and have such greasy hair that just touching it makes your hands greasy
- Only washing your clothes after 5 or more wears, when they start to stink and have stains all over them
- Taking 2 liter bucket baths to conserve water during the dry season
- Hoarding buckets and jerry cans full of water b/c you never know when you might get water again.
- Trading care package items or using items as PCV currency
- Wash your dishes in the rain
- Save your pasta water to reuse over and over
- Letting nothing go to waste. Scraping out last bits of peanut butter with your finger. Licking the ziplock bag that cookies were in.
- Begging people at the market to sell you things for cheaper because you’re a poor volunteer not a rich white person.

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