Saturday, August 15, 2009

Well its now august 15th. My parents are arriving today to see charleston and my sister is staying the rest of the week with me. The plan is to see magnolia plantation, fort sumter, have a carriage ride and a harbor cruise. Nick will be working until 5:00pm this week. Which is nice because for the past 8 days he has been on the night shift 7am-7pm.
I have been laid off from my camp job at the salvation army. They do not have the funds to keep me on as an after school teacher during the school year. So I have gotten a job as a server at Ihop. Which I love, its new and different and it keeps me very busy.
I have been contacted by the medical screening nurse of the peace corps to ask for more information, but I think I'm close to being medically cleared.
So thats that for right now.