Well there are 12 days left until we leave. nothing is packed up yet. I still have to take and pass my multiple choice emt exam, which i have to take at a testing center. I am working until jan 20th to save money for the cross country trip. and we have very minimal plans for where we want to visit.
For now to brainstorm:
Tampa, FL- Nick's grandma
New Orleans- My uncle Tom
Texas- Nick's Uncles' Ranch
Las Vegas, Nevada
Grand Canyon in Arizona
As well as spending a week and a half between our parents houses in virgina and maryland.
I am excited for this awesome time we will get to have together. But sad knowing this adventure together is going to have to be put on hold for a bit. Knowing that Feb 22nd may be the last time we see each other for 2 1/2 years is so sad and scary. If only I could find out when and where I am headed for the peace corps, then i can at least get busy with learning the language and talking to others who have been or are going to that country. Its so frustrating waiting around. But i've heard thats life with the peace corps!